Friday, April 12, 2013

Who is this Betty Bosca anyway?

True.  Betty Bosca can be a pain in the ass, but she means well. She is a happy, energetic woman who has finally admitted to being <gulp> “middle aged”.  She is beginning to understand that her time on the water planet is limited.  You see, Betty Bosca used to believe that she was immortal.  She could play soccer with the young girls and still keep up.  She could eat and drink all she wanted and still remain thin.  She could climb mountains and trek through rainforests like nobody’s business.  But now?  Meh.  Not so much.  The forties have not been kind to Betty Bosca, but she’s determined to make the best of it.  This blog will chronicle Betty Bosca’s mid-life crisis.  Thankfully, she’s not becoming a cougar, or worse, buying an expensive sports car she can’t afford.  No.  Betty Bosca will have none of that.  Her mid life crisis consists of transforming her half acre lot in a small southern city into an urban homestead. 

OK.  Stop laughing.  Do you even know Betty Bosca?  This girl can get things done.  When she remembers.  Or when she’s not distracted by other things, such as learning to knit or playing scrabble on Facebook. Plus, she’s in no hurry.  “What’s the rush?” she likes to say. 

Now it’s probably important to note here that Betty Bosca does not know a great deal about gardening, and part of being a Bosca is giving orders and advice, not taking it.  There are sure to be a few mess-ups along the way.  But that’s OK.  Betty Bosca always comes out on top!

There are a few characters in this tale.  Of course, front and center, we have Betty Bosca.  Then there’s her poor husband, who we’ll just call PH.  Betty Bosca and PH produced a single but perfect offspring 14 years ago.  Around here we like to call her ALK, or A Little Know-it-all.  This blog will chronicle this little family’s exploration into urban homesteading at a snail’s pace.  As Betty Bosca would say, “What’s the rush?”  After all, we still have Publix. 

Betty Bosca fancies herself an amateur photographer (is there anything this girl can’t do?) and so the blog will contain lots of photos of projects-in-process.  If the photos aren’t that great, I suggest you keep that opinion to yourself.  Betty Bosca is not a fan of criticism.  Even though Betty Bosca can write a good story, she’s entrusted me to tell her tale.  Apparently, she believes she’s worthy of an archivist. 

Thanks for hopping on board.  I hope we all learn a bit about each other… and life… along the way.
